
martes, 23 de junio de 2020



Ideal for an afternoon of sofa, blanket and Netflix marathon !!

  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 cup popcorn
  1. We put a pot on the fire
  2. Add the butter and let melt
  3. Add the popcorn
  4. We cover
  5. Very carefully we will move the pot, so that the corn does not stick


28-Day Keto Challenge!

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020



What better than a good chocolate dessert to start the week? I put the ingredients and we start ...

  • 200 g. Of flour
  • 70 g. cocoa powder
  • 10 g. yeast powder
  • 125 g. of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 50 ml. milk
  • 100 ml. extra soft virgin olive oil
  • Silicone muffin cups
  • Curled Paper Cupcake Molds
  • 50 g. dark chocolate chips
  1. We are going to prepare 20 muffins.
  2. In a large bowl we beat the eggs with some rods.
  3. Now add the sugar little by little while continuing to beat and mix.
  4. Now the oil, pour it slowly and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. We follow the same process with the milk, then the sifted flour and cocoa and finally the chemical yeast.
  6. We put the mixture in the refrigerator and while it cools we place the silicone molds on the tray. We put the curled paper inside them.
  7. Fill up to ¾ parts and then pour 5/6 chocolate chips on top of the mixture.
  8. Bake 15 minutes at 200º C.
  9. When they are ready, remove from the oven and let stand in the silicone molds, so that the dough settles well.


28-Day Keto Challenge!

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020



An incredible recipe is coming! Goat cheese burger ... Who doesn't like a little melted cheese, melting down the sides of a juicy beef burger? I do, and I'm sure you do too. I put the ingredients and we start!

  • 500 g. beef
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 egg
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • Candied onion
  • Salt and pepper
  • Arugula
  • Goat cheese
  • Hamburger 'bread
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  1. Before starting to cook it, we have to take it out of the fridge at least half an hour before and place it in a warm place so that it warms up.
  2. In a bowl we mix all the ingredients of the hamburger. On the one hand, the minced meat, the garlic, well chopped and the yolk of an egg previously beaten.
  3. Basil leaves and grated Parmesan cheese will also go into the mixture.
  4. We mix all the ingredients kneading with the hands until they are all well integrated.
  5. We divide the mixture into 4 parts to make 4 hamburgers. I recommend that you buy the right amount of meat so that you do not have to freeze it. Approximately each will weigh between 125 and 150 grams.
  6. We give it a hamburger shape with your hands, although if you want you can also take a round mold.
  7. Add salt and pepper just before putting them in the hot pan.
  8. In a frying pan, heat 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
  9. We will cook them over medium high heat, on both sides leaving them a little to the taste of each one.
  10. We assemble each hamburger with previously toasted bread on the inside.
  11. Add some arugula leaves washed before with a little water, two slices of goat cheese and a good amount of onion confit.


28-Day Keto Challenge!

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020



People are generally afraid of it if it falls, burns, etc. NOTHING OF THAT! It is easy to do, the most complicated thing is to give it a point of juiciness on the inside and it is toasted on the outside, but this is achieved through practice! Each person has a different taste, I personally like it undercooked. I put the ingredients and we start ...!

  • From 8 to 10 eggs (the amount of egg depends on how many people the omelette is for).
  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 onion (optional)
  • Salt
  1. We peel the potatoes, wash them and dry them.
  2. We cut into thin sheets (measure to taste). We put them in a large bowl and add salt to taste. Stir well and reserve.
  3. We chose a large nonstick skillet. We put it on the fire and add extra virgin olive oil.
  4. We introduce the cut and already salted potatoes and let them cook for approximately twenty minutes over low heat.
  5. While the potatoes are being fried, in the bowl where we are going to put the potatoes later we beat the eggs, we reserve.
  6. Peel the onion and cut as thin as possible.
  7. In another frying pan, heat olive oil and add the onion.
  8. We poach until it has a golden color. The onion will be done before the potatoes, so drain and add to the bowl with the beaten egg.
  9. Remove with a slotted spoon from the pan, leaving the potatoes with as little oil as possible, well drained. Then we introduce them to the bowl with the onion and the egg.
  10. We rest the future omelette for 15 minutes so that all the flavors come together well.
  11. In the same pan in which we have fried the potatoes and once the oil has been removed. We cook the mixture that we have at rest. I like it undercooked, a little raw inside.
  12. For this type of omelette we only need 4 minutes over medium-high heat on each side. It depends on how curd we want the omelette to be.
  13. To turn it around we take a large flat plate. You can also use a pan lid.
  14. Once it is toasted and at the point we want, we set it aside, let it rest for a few minutes and eat‼


28-Day Keto Challenge!

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020



Today we travel to Asia to enjoy a classic and super delicious three delicacies rice. It is ideal for children to eat vegetables and fish, in this case they are prawns. I put the ingredients and we start !!


  • 200 g of round rice
  • 500 g. prawn
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 thick cooked ham slices
  • 250 g. carrot
  • 150 g. peas
  • Soy sauce
  • Extra soft virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  1. Cook the prawns for 2 minutes. Drain, peel and reserve the tails.
  2. Cook the peas and the diced carrots in slightly salted water. We cook the vegetables for 10-12 minutes, drain and reserve.
  3. We cut the cooked ham into strips and brown it in a pan with a thread of oil. We reserve.
  4. In a saucepan we heat about 600 ml. of salted water.
  5. When the water begins to boil add the rice.
  6. Cook the rice over medium heat for 18 minutes.
  7. We wash the rice to stop cooking dry and leave it loose, drain well.
  8. We beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. When the oil is hot, pour in the beaten egg.
  9. You just have to cover the bottom of the pan, it must be quite thin. When it is ready we remove it from the fire and cut into very thin strips. We reserve.
  10. In a wide saucepan, heat a splash of olive oil. Add the well-drained rice and brown for a few minutes.
  11. We add the rest of the ingredients to the rice, peas, carrots, cooked ham, omelette and prawns.
  12. We mix well while we cook 2 or 3 more minutes, to integrate all the flavors.


28-Day Keto Challenge!

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020



Perfect dessert for a hot spring afternoon. Easy, cheap and entertaining. Call your children to help you‼

  • 3 lemons
  • 4 eggs
  • 70 g. of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of icing sugar
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 40 g. cornstarch
  • 2 cookies
  1. We wash 1 lemon and remove the skin.
  2. In a saucepan we pour two glasses of water and the lemon rind. We cook for five minutes. We reserve.
  3. We take another saucepan and cook the milk, cornstarch and sugar. We stir all the time, to prevent the cornmeal from sticking.
  4. We will leave it for five minutes or until we get a cream without lumps. We remove from the fire and reserve.
  5. We separate the whites from the eggs.
  6. Add a pinch of salt and mount the egg whites until stiff.
  7. Add the icing sugar and gently stir.
  8. We put the mixture in the refrigerator so that the whites do not fall.
  9. We put the cream that we had reserved on the fire and mix it with the lemon water. We remove the lemon peel.
  10. When they are well integrated, we remove it from the heat and let it rest.
  11. We add to the previous mixture the juice of a lemon and a half and the zest of half a lemon.
  12. We remove.
  13. Take the egg whites out of the fridge and pour the previous mixture.
  14. Mix gently until all the ingredients are well integrated.
  15. Once everything is mixed, we serve in a few glasses and enjoy‼


28-Day Keto Challenge!

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020



Today we travel to Mexico !!! We will prepare the classic Mexican guacamole, with its touch of spice ... Do you sign up? You just have to keep reading ...

  • 6 medium avocados or 4 large ripe ones
  • 100 g. of tomato
  • 100 g. of onion
  • 1 lime
  • Fresh coriander
  • Salt
  • If you like it spicy: canned jalapeños, chilli or cayenne

  1. Peel the onion and wash the tomato. We have to chop them very fine.
  2. Cut the avocados in half to the bone and rotate each part separating the two halves. We take a plastic spoon to empty them and leave the bone in the same source where we are going to put the avocado.
  3. We add the lime juice directly on the avocado and start crushing with the fork.
  4. We add two coriander leaves. If they are very large, we cut them directly with our hands.
  5. We mix everything with the tomato, the onion and a pinch of salt.
  6. We chop the jalapeño or spicy that we have very fine.
  7. We add it to the mixture and mix with a spoon with enveloping movements.
  8. When everything is mixed, it is ready to eat. It can be accompanied by nachos, pico de gallo, etc. WHAT YOU LIKE MOST‼

28-Day Keto Challenge!