
sábado, 2 de mayo de 2020


Who can resist some homemade churros? I already tell you, NO ONE !!
Young children can help you in this recipe, but only in preparing the shape of the churros. When the frying step arrives it is better to move away because the oil can splash them.


  • 250 g. wheat flour
  • 250 g. of water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Sugar to sprinkle
  • Mild olive oil for frying or sunflower oil
  • A manual churrera or a pastry bag with a fine mouth


  1. We put the flour in a wide bowl.
  2. In a saucepan, heat the water with the salt. When it starts to boil, pour it in the flour.
  3. With a wooden spoon we move the flour and water, so we will have a sticky and compact dough.
  4. We put this dough in a churrera or pastry bag.
  5. We are making the churros with the raw dough on a kitchen cloth.
  6. We put on the fire a frying pan with plenty of very soft olive oil or sunflower oil.
  7. When it is hot we put the churros in the oil, cooking them over medium heat to avoid that the churros remain raw inside.
  8. Once fried, remove to a tray with kitchen paper to absorb excess oil.
  9. We serve sprinkled with normal sugar or icing sugar.


28-Day Keto Challenge!

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