
martes, 28 de abril de 2020


There are so many variations of this recipe that you can't imagine it !! I bring you today my version of this pasta.

  • 400 gr of macaroni
  • ½ kg of minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • Fried tomato (homemade or bought)
  • Salt, pepper and Provencal herbs
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  1. We cut the onion and the pepper into small pieces, so that later they aren't so noticeable.
  2. We pour a splash of oil in a saucepan and add the onion and pepper.
  3. While that is being done, we put a pot of water to boil.
  4. When the water starts to boil, we add salt and add the macaroni. Depending on the thickness and how we like the pasta, we will leave it more or less time. In my case I will leave it for about 12 minutes since I like that it is soft, not past. You have to go around the pasta so that it doesn't stick.
  5. While these macaroni cook, we remove the onion and the pepper so they don't burn.
  6. Now we add the meat and stir.
  7. When it's more or less done, add a little salt, pepper and Provencal herbs. If you don't have these herbs, you can add parsley, oregano, thyme, etc.
  8. Once the meat is done together with the vegetables, add the fried tomato and stir without stopping so that it doesn't stick.
  9. We are reviewing the paste so that it doesn't pass or stick to the bottom.
  10. Once the pasta is ready, drain it and add it to the sauce.
  11. We remove everything gently so as not to break the paste.
  12. When everything is integrated, we turn off the fire and remove. To plate, we take a half-deep plate and pour the pasta with the sauce and decorate it with grated cheese on top, which will melt with the same heat that the plate gives off.


28-Day Keto Challenge!

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